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Select a Workflow

Use one of these workflows when you know already know what topic you’re interested in.


Use Optimize when you want to either create new content or optimize an existing page. Enter in the topic that you want to write about and MarketMuse will provide a topic model to guide you in properly covering the subject. Enter in a URL as well so MarketMuse can analyze and score it, and show you the gaps in your coverage.

Learn more about Optimize.

Analyze Competitors

Provide MarketMuse with any term for a competitive analysis of the top 20 results in Google. You’ll get a Content Score for each result and a heat map showing the gaps in topical coverage.

Learn more about Analyze Competitors.


Analyze the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) to help understand how top-performing content is created. Discover search intent Content Score performance and targets, linking information and more.

Learn more about X-Ray SERP.

Assess Clusters

This workflow shows you the pages that make up a content cluster for any site. Plus, you get both a quality and gap analysis of that content. To use it, you’ll need a topic and a domain. 

Learn more about Assess Clusters.

Research Topics

This workflow offers greater insight into any topic you wish to target. You get a topic model, variants for each topic, related keywords and question. Monthly search volume, CPC and trend data help inform your decisions.

Learn more about Research Topics.

Discover Links

Use this workflow when you want to add links to new content or an existing page. Enter the topic of the page to get internal linking suggestions (to other pages on your domain) and external linking suggestions (to pages on other domains).

Learn more about Discover Links.

Updated on June 11, 2024

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