What else came with this release that’s not outlined in the packages? Read about some of the exciting fixes and upgrades that slid into this release below:
- You now have the ability to delete a plan in platform.
- You can create plans from the inline-adder (Add to Inventory) instead of only being able to select pre-existing plans.
- Fresh new visuals for empty results on inventory for both “no results” and “no projects”.
- Research distribution visuals now match the nicer graphical style of the distribution boxes in Optimize. We are now consistent in this visualization throughout the platform.
- Fixes were made around our coupon logic to avoid confusion for customers and make sure our pricing is always reflected correctly.
- Many small fixes were made around adding items to inventory to make it more pleasant and reliable.
- Now when ordering a Brief on an item where a Brief already exists the user will have an option to confirm the reorder or dismiss it from their ordering list so as not to create accidentally duplicates.
- It is now possible to cancel a Brief in the context menu (right click on the table row) when it is in the status of Create Sections.
- Optimize editor now supports <H> tags up to H6.