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Expanding a Powerful Page to Cover More Topics

Powerful pages can rank for many different topics, even those that aren’t covered well. In this workflow, we take find a page with high Page Authority, look at its topics, and send it to Optimize, where we can add some additional content to improve coverage. Here’s how to do it.

  • Go to Pages Inventory and use the Highest Page Authority view. Or just sort the current view on Page Authority.
  • Click on the Prioritize Topics icon in the Action Bar of the page you’d like to investigate.
  • Examine the list of topics associated with this page, looking for one where you could improve coverage.
  • Click on the Optimze Page & Topic icon in the Action Bar of the topic you’re interested in.
  • Add a paragraph or section to expand your coverage of the topic. Ignore the Content Score and Word Count tragets in this case — you’re not optimizing the page for this topic. Just use the topic model to guide you in properly covering the subject.
Updated on June 11, 2024

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