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How to Perform a Content Quality Analysis

Use the Content Quality Analysis document to evaluate the credibility, accuracy, and overall quality of your content. 

Choosing the Scope of Your Analysis

First, choose the scope from the list of available options. Scope influences what MarketMuse analyzes and what it recommends, so it’s an important choice. 

  • Page: Use this when you need insights on how to improve a cluster of content in support of a specific page. 
  • Pages: An ideal scope to use when you have multiple related pages and need to improve their supporting clusters.
  • Site level: Great for use as a diagnostic tool, especially when combined with Lowest Quality Pages with Rank Threshold prioritization.
  • Topic: Use this when you’re not sure of the page(s) that cover the topic. MarketMuse will try to find all of them for you and evaluate them. 
  • Topic with site: Get recommendations for improving clusters of content on your site, related to a specific topic.
  • Topic with page: This scope restricts the analysis, prioritization, and recommendations to a topic and a single page. Typically used when you need recommendations for improving content to support a powerful page. 
  • Topic with pages: Unlike the previous scope, this one provides recommendations supporting multiple pages.

Choosing the Prioritization

MarketMuse provides recommendations on your best opportunities. Choosing the prioritization is where you define what “best” means. You have multiple options, depending on your chosen scope. Here are all the available ones:

  • Highest Traffic Pages: Use this when your goal is to attract traffic. It shows clusters with the highest estimated monthly traffic. Suggestions will support building them out.
  • Highest Traffic Potential Pages (with Inventory Data): Shows those with the highest total traffic gain potential, using inventory data.
  • Lowest Quality Pages with Rank Threshold: Shows the lowest quality pages, below a certain rank.
  • Most Relevant Pages: Uses similarity and authority data.

Modify the Document Subtype (Optional)

The default (All Topics) will be suitable for most situations. To capture specific nuances, you can set the subtype for one of these common content situations: New/Events, Local or Geo Targeting, Product/eCommerce.

In the case of Local, you’ll also need to identify the specific location you’re targeting. For example, Athens, Georgia is specific while Athens is not.


Submit the information and within approximately 15 minutes you’ll receive your analysis, based on the information provided. 


Export the document (coming soon) to Google Docs or MS Word to share with interested stakeholders. Use this insight to create a plan in MarketMuse. Here’s what to do next.

Updated on January 28, 2025

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