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MarketMuse Content Briefs for Writers


MarketMuse Content Briefs are very comprehensive and if you’re not accustomed to that level of detail, the initial experience can be a little overwhelming. These documents are created for use by all stakeholders in the content process — so they’re more than just an outline.

Let’s take a look what writer’s need to get the most value out of a MarketMuse brief. This article refers to an unaltered brief created by the platform. Keep in mind that these documents can be edited, so you may not see the same type of information or section headings:

  • Open MarketMuse Optimize: Open it in another tab (or your favourite editor if you prefer). That way you can easily flip back and forth between the brief and your draft.
  • Copy the Content Structure Outline: Click on Content Structure Outline in the table contents to go to that point in the document. Copy and paste the outline into Optimize
  • Follow the Checklist for Effective Use: It’s customized specifically for the content brief you’re working with. So, it’s the best way to get the most value out of it.

Pro Tips

  • Review before writing: Pay attention to these sections as the insight will make your content that more engaging — target personas, intent analysis, important topics, information gain, custom brief guidelines, content type considerations
  • Take Note of Information gain: This section shows topics from the topic model that are underrepresented in the Top 20 — covering these is a great way to stand out from the competition. MarketMuse even provides suggestions on how to incorporate them into your narrative.
  • Add your own personal experience: It’s another great way to differentiate your content. 
  • Add the recommended links when writing is complete: Most writers find it easier to go back and insert the links afterwards. That way they can focus go getting the narrative right, without being distracted.
Updated on September 9, 2024

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