Use these data points
- Top Valued Topic
- Share of Site Traffic
- Organic Traffic Est.
- Organic Traffic Delta
- Potential Traffic
URL and Top Valued Topic help to recognize what the page is about.
Share of Site Traffic divides the Organic Traffic Est. for the page by the Organic Traffic Estimate of all the site’s pages and displays this as a percentage.
Organic Traffic Estimate is an estimate of the amount of traffic this page currently receives. MarketMuse estimates the traffic for each topic for which a page ranks, taking into account its position in the search results and any SERP features as they impact click-through rates. The results are then summed to create the traffic estimate for the page.
Organic Traffic Δ – Delta is represented by a triangle. The number, color, and arrow indicate the direction and amount of change from one period to the next. Typically this is monthly, depending on your plan.
Potential Traffic is an estimate of the traffic a page could achieve if it was optimized. This metric calculates the potential traffic for each topic for which a page ranks and rolls that up to the page level. To calculate potential traffic we look at topic volume and potential rank, which is based on the current rank and personalized difficulty.
Sort by
- Share of Site Traffic
Using this view
Sorting by Share of Site Traffic allows you to quickly find those pages which generate the most traffic for your site. The Organic Traffic Delta can alert you to any traffic issues, such as a sudden decline in traffic. You can drill further down to investigate pages of interest and determine how they’re generating traffic. The purpose here is to discover how best to update a page through additional topics or improving coverage of existing ranking topics. Alternatively, you may decide to build out a cluster by devoting new pages to related topics.
Customizing this view
Filters are key to create a shortlist of viable candidates for further explorations.
- Apply a filter on Share of Site Traffic to generate a list of those who contribute the most traffic as a percentage.
- Consider applying a filter on Potential Traffic to limit the list to those pages with significant traffic potential.
- Apply an additional filter on the URL to focus on a specific part of your site. For example, if your blog is on a subdomain or a folder and the URLs contain the term “blog” you can filter for all URLs containing the term “blog”.