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Inventory And Customizing Views

(Inventories and Views are available in Premium and certain legacy plans.)

Inventory provides insight into the pages on your site, helping you understand their value, performance, and how to prioritize and plan on making improvements.

Inventory consists of the published pages on your site, and the topics you currently rank for, plus those for which you wish to rank.

You control how you view the inventory by pressing on one of the three views in the Left Navigation Bar under Inventory.

Inventory Left Nav Bar

Control Your Inventory View Three Ways

  1. All – This combined view shows all Page and Topic connections we have found on your site.
  2. Page – This view shows all the published pages on your site including the associated data points.
  3. Topics – This view shows all the topics associated with pages on your site, including those manually added to your inventory.

How to Configure Your View

Your page/topic inventory is presented in one table which you can configure according to your needs, rearranging the column order, pinning columns to the left side of the display, and hiding them.

  • Drag items in this list up or down to change their order of appearance from left to right.
  • Click on a pin to pin the column to the left side of the display. Blue pins are active and grey pins are not.
  • Click on a toggle to show/hide a column. Blue toggle means the column is visible, gray toggle means the column is hidden.

configure table

Note that each team member can configure their own views in any table.

3. Filter

Click Filter to apply or create a filter that only shows inventory items based on a defined set of criteria.

Filter 00

Read Creating and Using Filters for details on how to create complex filters.

Show Archived Items

This special filter only shows items that have been previously archived. Show Archived Items

Press again to hide them.Hide Archived Items

Read Archiving Pages and Topics for additional information.

Add to Inventory

Clicking Add to Inventory reveals a window for entering a topic and/or page URL. Add to inventory 0TI

From here you may also upload a CSV file of multiple topics and pages.

Read Adding Items to Inventory for more details.

Updated on May 24, 2024

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