Using Tags

Tags allow you to group documents into collections. This can be helpful when you’re working on a project and have multiple documents to which you want to refer.

For instance, you could have a cluster analysis, a plan, and multiple content briefs all focused on one objective. Give them the same tag and you can quickly find them in the document list by creating a filter for that tag.

How to Create a Tag

Here are the steps to creating a new tag.

How to Create a Tag 1
Click “Tags” in the left rail
How to Create a Tag 2
Click “Create” to create a new tag.
How to Create a Tag 3
Type in the title of the tag.
How to Create a Tag 4
Click “Submit”

Add a Tag to a Document

Here are the steps for adding a tag to a document.

Note that you can only add existing tags to a document. Refer to the section above on how to create a new tag.

How to Add a Tag 1
Click the pencil icon in the row of the document you wish to tag.
How to Add a Tag 2
Click in the text field.
How to Add a Tag 3
Select an existing tag and click the checkmark.
Updated on September 9, 2024

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