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Cluster – Most Potential

Cluster Most Potential
Using Saved Views to find clusters with the most potential value and traffic.

In this article, we use a Saved View to help find topic clusters with a large degree of potential value and/or potential traffic. We’re looking to answer the question, “Which cluster has the most potential?”

To do this we need to create a Saved View in the Topics Inventory.

Use these data points

  1. Topic
  2. Top Rank
  3. Potential Value ($)
  4. Potential Traffic
  5. Topic Volume
  6. Personalized Difficulty

Top Rank – MarketMuse looks at all pages that rank for the topic and displays the highest one. “NR” is displayed if there are no ranking pages.

Potential Value ($) is a theoretical value calculated using the Topic Volume (monthly searches) times the value-per-visit (CPC default).

Potential Traffic is based on the potential rank and the topic’s search volume. Potential rank itself is calculated based on the current rank and personalized difficulty. Overall, it’s an estimation of how much traffic you could have if you were to optimize this page-topic pair.

Topic Volume is the monthly search volume for the term.

Personalized Difficulty evaluates how hard it is for your site to rank (lower is better).

Read What is Personalized Keyword Difficulty and Why You Need It

Sort by

  • Potential Value descending (highest to lowest)

Using this view

Enter the focus topic of your cluster in the search bar near the top of the screen. This will restrict the list to only those topics that contain the search term, effectively showing your cluster of topics that include the phrase.

Sorting by Potential Value ($) brings those topics to the top of the list. However, you could sort on Potential Traffic, if you prefer.

Topic Volume can serve as an inspirational gut check (you’re never going to capture all that traffic because of the other entries in the SERP).

Personalized Difficulty gives you some perspective on how difficult it will be to realize any potential (lower is better).

Customizing this view

Try these suggested filters to reduce the size of the list:

  • Apply a filter to Best Rank (greater than 1) to remove any topics where you already rank in first place, because you can’t go any higher. In theory you could get an additional page to rank for that topic, realizing the potential. But in practice it’s not very common.
  • Apply a filter to Potential Traffic (greater than ‘X’) to refine the list to only those topics with decent traffic potential.
  • Apply a filter to Topic Authority (less than 75) to eliminate any topics for which you don’t have a realistic chance of ranking.
Updated on August 4, 2022

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