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Cluster — Best ROI

Cluster Best ROI
Using Saved Views to determine which cluster has the best ROI.

In this article, we use a Saved View to help find high value topic clusters. We’re looking to answer the question, “Which cluster do I have that has the best ROI?”

For this we need to create a Saved View in the Topics Inventory.

Use these data points

  1. Topic
  2. Value/Mo
  3. Organic Traffic Est.
  4. Topic Authority
  5. Top Ranking URL

Value/Mo – The value of a topic is based on our organic traffic estimate times the value-per-visit. 

MarketMuse uses cost-per-click as the default measure of value-per-visit. You can configure this based on how you measure ROI from organic traffic.

The organic traffic estimate is based on the search volume of a term, taking into account your current position in the search engine results plus any SERP features. For example, a term may have a monthly search volume of 1,000. But if there are many SERP features taking clicks away from organic results and you’re in the 10th position, the estimate of organic traffic will be a small fraction of the 1,000 visits.

Organic Traffic Estimate is an estimate of the amount of traffic this page currently receives. MarketMuse estimates the traffic for each topic for which a page ranks, taking into account its position in the search results and any SERP features as they impact click-through rates. The results are then summed to create the traffic estimate for the page.

Read All SERP Click-through Rates Are Not The Same.

Topic Authority is the difference between Difficulty and Personalized Difficulty and effectively indicates your competitive advantage.

Top Ranking URL is the URL of the page that ranks highest on your domain for that topic.

Sort by

  • Sort by Value/Mo descending (highest to lowest)

Using this view

Enter the focus topic of your cluster in the search bar near the top of the screen. This will restrict the list to only those topics that contain the search term, effectively showing your cluster of topics that include the phrase.

The Value and Traffic data gives you an idea how much each topic contributes both in dollars and traffic. Topic Authority indicates the degree to which you cover a specific topic and the performance of the pages that report on it.

Note that the Top Ranking URL shows just that – the one URL of the top performing page associated with the topic. There may be more than one URL, but they won’t appear in this Save View, which is a topic-centric view of a cluster.

Customizing this view

Here are some other filtering suggestions to try, depending on your objective:

  • Apply a filter to Value/Mo (greater than 0) to remove those topics from the list that provide no dollar-contribution.
  • Applying a filter to Value/Mo (less that 0.01) cleans the list so that the only topics appearing are those that don’t contribute dollar-wise.
Updated on January 26, 2024

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